Silver's Coven Page

Rules of Coven

Rules of Our Coven


  • Do what thou wilt, yet harm none
  • Ever mind the law of three- what you send comes back to thee
  • Never work magick to inhabit another's free will (ex: Love spells)
  • Always walk your talk
  • Always have a back-up plan
  • Always work the real world with the Magickal World
  • Stay away from drugs and alcohol
  • Never threaten or scare anyone with your magick
  • Embrace balance- respect change


FAQ/Question Page

Q) Are these the laws of Wicca/Witchcraft?

A) No, these are the Coven laws. Most of them are not for Witchcraft in general, even though some are.

Q) What is Wicca about?

A) Wicca/Witchcraft is a nature-based, life-affirming religion that follows a moral code and seeks to build harmony among people and empower the self and others.

Q) How do you become a witch/wizard?

A) How you live, how you deal with others, and how you incorporate the Wiccan laws into your life determine whether you are or are not a "witch" or "wizard".


The Wiccan Law

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,

In perfect love and perfect trust,

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill;

"An' ye harm none, do as ye will."

What ye send forth comes back to thee,

So ever mind the law of three.

Follow this with mind and heart,

Merry ye meet, and Merry ye part.

Written by Alone but Loved, Edited by SilverCat Rose

(c) Copyright SilverCat Rose 2005-2006