Question: What is an altar?
Silver's Definiton: An altar is a place that a witch keeps her/his magickal tools, and where most/all of their rituals
and spells take place.
Alone's Definition: An altar is a surface designated by a witch to represent his or her place of power.
Question: What does an altar look like?
There are many ways of making an altar- they can be in many shapes and forms. The appearance of the altar differs from
witch to witch.
Question: Where do you put an altar?
Ideal places for altars include:
-On a chest (I have mine there.)
-On the ground
-In a drawer
-In an empty closet (Alone set up hers there.)
Question: What kinds of things do you keep on an altar?
The altar is a place for a witch to keep her/his tools for magickal practices. It's contents may vary, depending on the
type of magick you perform. It SHOULD include:
-a pentagram/pentacle
-an illuminator candle (white)
-other candles (varied colors)
-a statue of a diety (god or goddess)
You might also wish to include your divination tool of choice (be it rocks, tarot cards, crystal ball, etc), a wand,
an athame, or a sword.
Statue of diety: A statue used to represent your god or goddess of choice. (Mine is a statue of Bastet, an ancient egyptian
cat goddess, because my familiar is a cat.)